
Garden Lost it's Way?

There are many occasions when the foundations of a garden are
fundamentally sound, but the garden has somehow lost its way over time. 

This can be due to neglect by a previous owner or, more
commonly, just by the slow change of a garden over time where some planting overgrows a space and others out-compete their neighbours. 

Fancy a Change?

It could also be that you want to change the shape, function or ‘feel’ of an area. 

In these instances a renovation approach is often the best route to take. 

Even if we are only looking at the renovation of specific areas we will always consider how this affects the garden as a whole.

Fancy a Change?

It could also be that you want to change the shape, function or ‘feel’ of an area or areas. 

In these instances a renovation approach is often the best route to take. 

Even if we are only looking at the renovation of specific areas we will always consider how this affects the garden as a whole.

Get in Touch

If you have any enquiries regarding any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.